Yanking the Alarm on Congress on the Brian Wilson Podcast

“McCarthy out! House turmoil! Government collapse imminent! Fire alarm as door opener! Big Brother is watching you more than you know! Brian Wilson and Jim Bovard, The Two and Only at your service.”  Plus, Thomas Macaulay makes a cameo.

Listen to the podcast at https://nfscd.buzzsprout.com/1991115/13717750


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2 Responses to Yanking the Alarm on Congress on the Brian Wilson Podcast

  1. JdL October 5, 2023 at 12:47 pm #

    Good episode, both of you bubbling over with spirit (of one sort and/or another). It’s not nice to call someone ugly, but people not blessed with regular features but who have good will toward others still achieve a pleasing face, while other people (looking at you, Jamaal Bowman) absolutely radiate something else. Was there ever a happy socialist? To be one is to be certain you’re never getting enough of other people’s property, so to be constantly miserable. Resentful. Like Jamaal Bowman. Hopefully he’s doing less harm in Congress than as a middle school principal.

  2. Jim Bovard October 5, 2023 at 2:39 pm #

    Thanks for listening & thanks for your kind words.

    Bowman seems more ornery than your average congressman.