My carpings from Twitter — @jimbovard Has there been an honest State of the Union #SOTU address since Grover Cleveland left office? — James Bovard (@JimBovard) January 21, 2015 #SOTU Obama’s pledge to "properly constrain" drones proves that he was targeting clueless viewers who cannot politically add 2 & 2 — James Bovard (@JimBovard) […]
Tag Archives | Constitution

FFF: Americans’ Fading Love of Freedom
Future of Freedom Foundation, October 2014 issue of Future of Freedom AMERICANS’ FADING LOVE OF FREEDOM by James Bovard Tea Party protesters, some Republicans, and many libertarians perceive the federal government as a vast engine of oppression. But are anti-Obama activists mistaken in presuming that most Americans still care about freedom? A Gallup poll released […]

Wash. Times: No Halo for Holder on Forfeiture Reform
Washington Times, January 20, 2015 No halo for Holder on forfeiture fix The top lawman who condemns seizures previously championed them By James Bovard Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced on Friday that the Justice Department would cease sharing confiscated private property with state and local police agencies under its Equitable Sharing program. Asset […]

Supreme Court Takes Raisin Robbery Property Rights Case
The Supreme Court accepted today a case in which California farmers challenge USDA’s right to confiscate their raisins. The Court’s decision is a defeat for the Justice Department, which argued that the Supremes should let stand a bizarre Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision that would have nullified a swath of the Fifth Amendment. I tub-thumped […]
Counterpunch: Obama’s Sordid Record on Censorship and Secrecy
Counterpunch, January 14, 2015 Blindfolding the Republic Obama’s Sordid Record on Censorship and Secrecy by JAMES BOVARD Republicans are condemning President Obama’s failure to attend the Charlie Hebdo march in Paris as if his omission was the equivalent of a hate crime. Rep. Randy Weber (R-Tx) took the cake with a bizarre tweet complaining that […]

FFF: Freedom Lost in Obama’s Secrecy-Censorship Crossfire
FUTURE OF FREEDOM FOUNDATION, September 2014 issue of Freedom Daily Freedom Lost in Obama’s Secrecy-Censorship Crossfire by James Bovard On June 2 the Supreme Court provided invaluable aid to the Obama administration’s campaign to protect Americans from evidence of federal abuses. The Court acceded to the administration’s appeal and refused to hear a free-speech case […]
Wash. Times: Obama’s Raisin Robbery
Washington Times, January 11, 2015 Obama’s raisin robbery The Supreme Court could end federal confiscation of farmers’ crops By James Bovard The Obama administration is once again championing Uncle Sam’s sacred right to seize farmers’ harvests. After being trounced on procedural grounds at the Supreme Court in 2013, the Justice Department wants the Supremes to […]