Mises Institute, April 17, 2023 Endangering Washington’s Divine Right to Deceive by James Bovard Do Americans have the right to know if the $100 billion in their tax dollars that the Biden administration is delivering to Ukraine is being wasted? No, according to the U.S. Congress – which recently voted against creating an Inspector General […]
Tag Archives | corruption

Biden’s Sham Summit Won’t Save World Democracy
Libertarian Institute, April 3, 2023 Biden’s Sham Summit Won’t Save World Democracy by Jim Bovard President Joe Biden triumphantly saved world democracy last week (at least according to the White House scorecard). Biden co-hosted another Summit for Democracy, a repeat performance after the December 2021 test run. Biden sounded like a Quaalude Savior as he […]

N.Y. Post: Biden scandal strategy — ignore, and let liberal media run defense
New York Post, March 24, 2023 Biden scandal strategy — ignore, and let liberal media run defense By James Bovard ‘I’m just not going to respond to that from here,” snapped White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Wednesday to a question about how the Biden family profited from a Chinese energy company. And thus the […]

New York Post: Still no shame in Hunter Biden’s game
New York Post, December 10, 2022 Still no shame in Hunter Biden’s game By James Bovard When a political shyster has to rely on art critics for character references, you know things are looking grim. The only thing shakier is to count on your daddy’s Justice Department to prove your purity. A New York art […]

New York Post: Biden Pitches Failed Economic Vision
New York Post, October 28, 2022 Biden pitches failed economic vision in Syracuse By James Bovard President Biden and Gov. Hochul strutted Thursday at a celebration for a future Micron semiconductor plant outside of Syracuse. The groundbreaking for the factory won’t happen until 2024, but Democrats needed something, anything, to pretend they care about the […]
Biden’s Summit on Democracy – My Tweets
Biden complains about a "democracy recession" but so many of the leaders speaking at his Summit for Democracy have acted like elective dictators. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) December 9, 2021 How many of the "civil society leaders" speaking at Biden's Summit for Democracy are actually on government payrolls, directly or indirectly? — James Bovard […]

New York Post: Biden Ignores Peril of Covid Crackdowns to Democracy
New York Post, December 6, 2021 Biden’s silly summit ignores a real peril to democracy: COVID crackdowns By James Bovard President Joe Biden will seek to boost his sagging approval ratings this week with an international virtual summit whooping up democracy. The Treasury Department will publicize the event by slapping financial sanctions on “individuals who […]