The Mises Institute’s “The Austrian” Newsletter The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train by James Bovard Intellectuals have long been glorified as champions of truth and defenders of society’s highest values. But in Washington, they serve as Leviathan‘s Praetorian Guard. Intellectuals are thriving in DC thanks in large part to the ruinous policy advice they proffer. The […]
Tag Archives | corruption
USA TODAY: “Hurricane HUD” & the Baltimore Riots
USA TODAY May 25, 2015 How Baltimore became Pottersville by James Bovard Trusting federal housing subsidies to help save the city is the ultimate triumph of hope over experience. Baltimore’s recent riots are not surprising in a city that has long been plagued by both police brutality and one of the nation’s highest murder rates […]
MP3 Baltimore Riots with Brian Wilson
Talk show legend Brian Wilson and I did a postmortem on the Baltimore Riots on his Libertas Media Project podcast today. I was amused by Brian’s opening riff – claiming that Public Policy Hooligan will soon be a made-for-TV movie that includes Buford Porchdog Mulcoskey as Bill Clinton and Trample the Wonder Rhino as Janet […]
Wild Idealists on Baltimore Streets
Lots of protestors marching in Baltimore today. It is good to see charges filed against the police involved in Freddie Gray’s death. But some of these protestors are wildly idealist. The t-shirt apparently says, “Most Kings get their Heads Cut Off.” It has been 40 years since a governor of Maryland was sent to prison, […]
Hillary Clinton the Most Corrupt Secretary of State?
Press TV called early this morning seeking comments on an article about Hillary Clinton’s promise to “topple” the top 1%. That topic was too good to resist; here’s the link to their page and file of my monologue, and here are some outtakes: *Hillary Clinton is perhaps the most corrupt Secretary of State in American history. […]
USA Today: Scott Walker’s Stadium Socialism
USA TODAY, April 10, 2015 Scott Walker’s stadium socialism by James Bovard Tough on unions, but professional sports teams and ethanol producers? Not so much. Governor Scott Walker has soared to the front of Republican presidential candidates thanks largely to his reputation for fighting wasteful government spending in Wisconsin. Republican faithful across the nation envision […]
Wash. Times: Obama’s Liberal Spending Panacea
Washington Times, February 16, 2015 Obama’s liberal spending panacea The president ignores the crushing impact of more debt By James Bovard President Obama recently denounced the “mindless austerity” that threatens his dream of spending $4 trillion in the coming year. In lieu of the current sequestration restrictions on federal spending, Mr. Obama promises “smart investments […]