New York Post, February 26, 2023 30 years ago, the FBI might have had its biggest bomb: the World Trade Center attack By James Bovard Thirty years ago Sunday, the largest terrorist attack then in American history occurred when a 1,200-pound bomb exploded beneath the World Trade Center in New York City. It was sheer […]
Tag Archives | coverups

Korean War’s Forgotten Lessons on the Evil of Intervention
The Korean War’s Forgotten Lessons on the Evil of Intervention by James Bovard November 16, 2020 This year is the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War, a conflict from which Washington policymakers learned nothing. Almost 40,000 American soldiers died in that conflict that should have permanently vaccinated the nation against the folly […]

AUDIO “Defund the Police?” Repeal Unjust, Abusive Laws
Here is a link to an audio version of my Mises Institute article, “Repealing Useless and Abusive Laws Might Do More Good Than “Defunding” the Police.” Thanks to Millian Quinteros for reading the piece.

Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities Exposed Anew
Counterpunch, June 30, 2020 Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities Exposed in New Indictment by James Bovard President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity. In 1999, the Clinton administration launched a 78-day bombing campaign that killed up to 1500 civilians in Serbia and Kosovo […]

USA Today: Safety Mandate Debacles Produce Widespread Carnage
USA Today, March 12, 2019 Ethiopia crash of Boeing 737 Max might be latest example of backfiring safety efforts by James Bovard, If software and sensors are to blame, then the Boeing accidents are another reminder that safety policies can have unintended fatal consequences. Another Boeing 737 crashed Sunday in Ethiopia, killing all 157 aboard. […]

My “Endless Optimism”?!? The “Gold Standard Podcast”
Ever since I scoffed at a few dubious Boy Scout good deeds decades ago, I’ve had the rep of being a cynic. But Alan Mosley, host of the Gold Standard Podcast, has discovered my “endless optimism.” Miracles never cease! We had lots of fun on this 40 minute interview, thumping coverups, federal atrocities, constitutional crimes, […]

The Hill: In Washington, the Truth has Refugee Status
The Hill In Washington, the truth has refugee status By James Bovard, opinion contributor — 08/21/18 04:30 PM EDT 0 “Truth isn’t truth,” declared Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, on Meet the Press on Sunday. Giuliani’s comment — the weirdest absolution yet proffered for Trump — is the “Trump era’s epitaph,” according to a Washington Post columnist. But truth really […]