Tag Archives | COVID


Psychiatry is Vexxing More Americans Than Ever

Psychiatrists are continually concocting new "mental illnesses" to stretch their power over everyone else. But psychiatry fails to recognize people suffering from “Missing Bullshit Alarm” as a grave malady in our times. https://t.co/FkK0UPfFA7 — James Bovard (@JimBovard) May 14, 2024 Therapists are hollowing out the American character, generation by generation. What do they  offer in lieu […]

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Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 19-24-58 James Bovard The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained

Talking Last Rights on the Geopolitics & Empire Podcast

Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Morić  for inviting me on to his excellent podcast, Geopolitics and Empire. We had a rattling good chat, smacking around politicians, bureaucrats, and plenty other rascals.  Here is his summary of the show: James Bovard discusses his new book on the death of liberty in America. The U.S. government has become […]

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Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue?

American Conservative, April 11, 2024 Is Censorship the Biden Era’s Torture Issue? by James Bovard The word games around “content moderation” recall the days of “enhanced interrogation.” During last month’s Supreme Court hearing on a landmark case on federal censorship, Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson declared, “My biggest concern is…the First Amendment hamstringing the government […]

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Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 20-40-08 Government Commits More Crimes than We Know Guest James Bovard Ep 273

Talking Last Rights with Matt Kibbe on Liberty

Hearty thanks to Matt Kibbe and Free the People for inviting me on this podcast. Plenty more comic relief where this came from at this link – Here’s a link to my outtake video on my East German adventure along with the NY Times article after I exited East Berlin Here is an outtake photo […]

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wrecking ball

The Great Escape from Government Schools?

The Great Escape from Government Schools? by James Bovard, April 3, 2024  Reposted on Zero Hedge After enduring bullshit school shutdowns during the COVID pandemic, many students concluded that school itself must be bullshit and have skipped attending classes. Government bureaucrats are panicking since subsidies are tied to the number of students’ butts in chairs […]

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