Tag Archives | Democracy


Biden’s Blather and American Democracy Gone Awry

Biden’s Blather and American Democracy Gone Awry by James Bovard, July 23, 2024 Since late 2020, President Joe Biden has invoked “the will of the people” dozens of times to sanctify his power, including arbitrary decrees that were illegal or unconstitutional. Biden’s invocations did not prevent his re-election campaign from being terminated behind closed doors […]

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Talking Last Rights on the Ernie Hancock Radio Show

Ernie Hancock and I had a rattling good conversation this week on our latest escapades and the nation going to hell politically. The last time I saw Ernie, we were celebrating at Washington brewery – the feds had just ceased hounding him about his radio interviews with January 6 folks. You can listen to the […]

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Saving Julian Assange, Free Speech, and Democracy

American Conservative, March 28, 2024 Saving Julian Assange, Free Speech, and Democracy by James Bovard How much is a non-binding “assurance” worth from people who probably want to see you dead? This is the linchpin question as a British court deliberates on the Biden administration’s latest conniving to bring Julian Assange to America for his […]

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Will Any ‘Last Rights’ Epigram Go to the Moon?

Will Any ‘Last Rights’ Epigram Go to the Moon? by James Bovard Epigrams are excellent propellants for seditious ideas. How far can one line go? Thirty years ago, I casually appended a sentence to the end of a paragraph in the final chapter of my book, Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. I was […]

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