Tag Archives | District of Columbia

D.C. Metro Subway Screws Customers, Clamors for Subsidies

“Metro, citing drop in subway ridership, urges Congress to boost transit benefit” reads the Washington Post headline.  The DC subway system has been screwing riders almost every chance possible in recent years – especially with endless weekend planned slowdowns for “track maintenance.”  The weekend work crews (probably receiving double or triple overtime) and they are […]

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Wash. Times: Eric Holder’s Police Shooting Hypocrisy

  Washington Times, August 27, 2014 Eric Holder’s Police Shooting Hypocrisy by James Bovard There are no Ferguson-style probes when black police shoot blacks Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is enjoying a tidal wave of laudatory press coverage for his activism on the Ferguson, Mo., shooting and subsequent protests. In the 1990s, though, Mr. […]

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USA Today: Eric Holder’s Dreadful Record on Overseeing Police Shooters

USA TODAY Eric Holder’s police shooting record? Dismal: Column by James Bovard  August 20, 2014 When the attorney general had the chance to be tough on police shootings, he did next to nothing. Attorney General Eric Holder arrives today in Ferguson, Missouri, in response to the unrest after a local policeman shot 18-year-old Mike Brown. […]

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Wall St. Journal: Sheridan’s 1864 Torching of the Shenandoah Valley

WALL STREET JOURNAL, July 26, 2014 Violence, Chaos and the Expansion of Government Power in 1864 Gen. Grant’s order to turn the Shenandoah Valley into a ‘desert’ signaled an unsettling new chapter in the Civil War. By James Bovard During the second weekend of July, Washington, D.C., celebrated the repulse of  Confederate Gen. Jubal Early’s […]

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Washington Times: Blighting Youth with Bogus Government Jobs

Washington Times         June 26, 2014 Hurting youths with government make-work summer ‘jobs’ Public employment teaches the wrong kind of work ethic By James Bovard The District of Columbia’s Summer Youth Employment Program starts June 30 and continues through Aug. 8. D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray is attempting to avoid the front-page bureaucratic train wrecks that […]

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