Tag Archives | donald trump


USA TODAY: Neither Trump Nor Biden Deserve Honeymoon from Cynicism

USA TODAY,  October 31, 2020 Neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden deserve a honeymoon from cynicism by James Bovard “The biggest threat to our democracy is cynicism,” declared former president Barack Obama two years ago. But as we enter the final days of another demagoguery-drenched presidential campaign, it is time to give cynicism the credit it […]

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“Choose Your Liar” Democracy

American Institute for Economic Research, October 22, 2020 “Choose Your Liar” Democracy by James Bovard The final weeks of a presidential campaign is one of the best opportunities to view political perfidy in spectacular colors. While the media lectures Americans about their civic duty to vote to save the nation, the candidates continue conniving nonstop […]

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Trump-Biden First Debate Comments, Carping, & Caviling

The first Trump-Biden debate is tonight. Here is my running commentary via Twitter & maybe a little Facebook thrown in – RECAP: I would score this Trump 60%, Biden 40%. Trump needs to score knockdowns to close the apparent polling gap and I don’t think he did that tonight. I expect that Trump, as he […]

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Impeachment Reminder of Our Toxic Foreign Aid

Future of Freedom Foundation Impeachment Reminder of Our Toxic Foreign Aid by James Bovard June 26, 2020 Foreign aid to Ukraine helped spur the Democrats’ effort to impeach and remove President Trump earlier this year. Ukraine was supposed to be on the verge of great progress until Trump pulled the rug out from under the […]

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Memorial Day: Remember Political Lies that Caused Soldiers to Die

Libertarian Institute, May 25, 2020 Memorial Day: Remembering the Political Lies that Spurred Mass Killing by Jim Bovard | May 25, 2020 On Memorial Day, the media do their usual sacralizing of war. Instead, it should be a day for the ritualized scourging of politicians. During the last 70 years, their lies have resulted in […]

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50 Years of Unhinged Presidential Televised Warmongering

Libertarian Institute, May 4, 2020 50 Years Of Unhinged, Televised Presidential Warmongering by Jim Bovard Fifty years ago, President Richard Nixon popped up on national television on a Thursday night to proudly announce that he invaded Cambodia. At that time, Nixon was selling himself as a peacemaker, promising to withdraw U.S. troops from the Vietnam […]

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The Deep State’s Demolition of Democracy

The Deep State’s Demolition of Democracy by James Bovard March 26, 2020 “Thank God for the Deep State,” declared former acting CIA chief John McLaughlin while appearing on a panel at the National Press Club last October. In 2018, the New York Times asserted that Trump’s use of the term “Deep State” and similar rhetoric […]

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