Tag Archives | drug war


Playboy: The Prison Industrial Complex

Vox has a great chart today on the soaring rate of prison incarceration in recent decades.  This is one of the most striking renditions I have seen of this particular seachange in the relationship of government to the American people.  Hillary Clinton bemoans high incarceration rates but the Clinton administration plowed almost $8 billion into […]

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My Playboy Greatest Hits

So Playboy is becoming proudly birthday-suit free.  Lots of jokes this week about how guys will now be able to honestly say “I only read it for the articles.” From 1994 through 2002, I wrote a bunch of pieces for Playboy on No-Knock Raids, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Janet Reno, IRS, Surveillance, Pork Barrel Prisons, the […]

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My Tweets on the GOP Presidential Candidates Debate

Lordie I never expected that “debate” to last more than 3 hours. I almost ran out of beer.   I didn’t start tweeting until the second hour but here’s my two cents – Gov. Kasich last night quoted saying, "If you've saved one life, you’ve changed the world." What about lives snuffed by US drones & […]

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FFF: Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy

from the Future of Freedom Foundation – Eric Holder’s Leviathan-Loving Legacy by James Bovard Last summer, Attorney General Eric Holder solemnly declared, “The name ought to be changed. It’s an offensive name.” Holder observed that despite the organization’s “storied history,” it could “increase their fan base” by changing their name — “if they did something […]

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Eric Holder and the Waco Coverup

I mentioned in today’s Washington Times piece that Attorney General Eric Holder had been involved in the coverup of Waco during the Clinton administration.  Here is a piece I wrote for American Spectator on how the Danforth Commission turned into a whitewash. Holder, then serving as Deputy Attorney General, managed to steer John Danforth in […]

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Drug Courier Profiles Begot Terrorist Watch Lists

From the Future of Freedom Foundation – HOW DRUG-COURIER PROFILES BEGOT TERRORIST WATCH LISTS by James Bovard Friends of freedom have been chagrined over the past decade to learn that federal terrorist watch lists incorporate criteria — such as openly praising the Constitution or the Second Amendment — that put them in the crosshairs. More […]

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