Tag Archives | Elective Dictatorship

Orange County Register: “Defining Freedom Down”

The Orange County Register ran my op-ed, “Defining Freedom Down.”  The page does not have a link, so I am posting the piece here. The Future of Freedom Foundation today shotgunned out an op-ed of mine that is very similar to this article.   Orange County Register, March 17, 2006 “Defining Freedom Down” by James Bovard […]

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Washington Times heats up Attention Deficit Democracy

The Washington Times today pronounced me guilty of the “character assassination” of George W. Bush. A “bombthrower”?  Me? “Smearing”?   Moi? The Washington Times’s editorial page editor, Tony Blankley, is renown for advocating reviving and vigorously enforcing laws against sedition….

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Orange Co. Register publishes my hit on Federal Surveillance

The Orange County Register published my hit on the dangers of federal surveillance. Here are some outtakes: Americans seem to have forgotten why the Founding Fathers prohibited government from spying on them. Public opinion polls show a rising percentage of Americans approving of the warrantless National Security Agency wiretaps authorized by President Bush. Many Americans […]

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Live Link, Missouri radio Tuesday (2/14) evening

I will be on the Peter McCandless radio show on Tuesday, 2/14, from 6 to 7 pm Eastern time.  Peter’s show is on KCXL 1140 AM in Liberty, Missouri. The “listen live” link is at http://www.petermacshow.com/ Should be a rollicking good discussion!

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L.A. Times: Are You a Suspected Terrorist?

The Los Angeles Times ran my op-ed today on the array of wacko definitions of suspected terrorists that the Bush administration has devised since 9/11.   Here are some outtakes of the piece: PRESIDENT BUSH and Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales insist that the National Security Agency’s warrantless wiretapping of American citizens is a necessary “terrorist surveillance […]

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Bush Now Entitled to Kill at Home?

The February 13 issue of Newsweek reveals that President Bush is entitled to order killings here in the United States, the same as he has been doing around the globe for the last few years. Newsweek notes that, “Steven Bradbury, acting head of the Justice department’s Office of Legal Counsel [the office which in 2002 […]

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On New England Public Radio Monday (1/30) Morning

WAMC, Northeast Public Radio, will broadcast a lively interview that Joe Donahue taped with me on Monday morning (1/30).   According to their website, it will apparently be featured sometime between 10:25 am and noon Eastern time.   If anyone  has more specific information on when the interview will play, please let me know and I will revise this […]

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