Libertarian hell-raising host Scott Horton and I had a rattlin’ good chat yesterday about Eric Holder’s role in the Waco coverup, his hypocrisy on policy shootings, and a few other villainies. You can listen to the 23 minute interview by clicking or downloading on this link:
Tag Archives | Eric Holder
Eric Holder and the Waco Coverup
I mentioned in today’s Washington Times piece that Attorney General Eric Holder had been involved in the coverup of Waco during the Clinton administration. Here is a piece I wrote for American Spectator on how the Danforth Commission turned into a whitewash. Holder, then serving as Deputy Attorney General, managed to steer John Danforth in […]

USA Today: Eric Holder’s Dreadful Record on Overseeing Police Shooters
USA TODAY Eric Holder’s police shooting record? Dismal: Column by James Bovard August 20, 2014 When the attorney general had the chance to be tough on police shootings, he did next to nothing. Attorney General Eric Holder arrives today in Ferguson, Missouri, in response to the unrest after a local policeman shot 18-year-old Mike Brown. […]