Libertarian Institute, June 13, 2023 Biden Demagogues Florida Massacre to Demonize Gun Owners by James Bovard President Joe Biden tweeted yesterday on what he called “Pulse Remembrance Day”: Seven years ago today, our nation suffered what was then the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Forty-nine people, predominantly Latino LGBTQI+ people, lost their lives in […]
Tag Archives | FBI
N.Y. Post: Trump indictment shows federal secrecy gone wild makes political lies — like Biden’s — harder to uncover
New York Post, June 13, 2023 Trump indictment shows federal secrecy gone wild makes political lies — like Biden’s — harder to uncover by James Bovard Former President Donald Trump was indicted last week on 37 federal charges tied to his possession and mishandling of classified documents. Critics assert Trump betrayed his oath to uphold […]
N.Y. Post: Washington throws a pity party for federal censors finally being investigated
New York Post, June 8, 2023 Washington throws a pity party for federal censors finally being investigated by James Bovard Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the pious masthead motto The Washington Post adopted in the Trump era. But in the Biden era, the Post sees censorship as the salvation of self-government. Censorship requires secrecy to […]
Painting the Debt Ceiling with the Brian Wilson Podcast
Brian Wilson and I had fun hammering Congress for their shiftless sellout on the federal debt ceiling negotiations. Also paid homage to the FBI and its 278,000 warrantless wiretap victims (you know who you are even if the feds won’t disclose). You can listen to the podcast by clicking here or
N.Y. Post: Get them rewrite! Debt-ceiling deal fails to fix DC
New York Post, May 31, 2023 Get them rewrite! Debt-ceiling deal fails to fix DC by James Bovard The biggest peril of the Biden-McCarthy budget deal is spawning the illusion federal spending is under control. Both President Joe Biden and Republican congressional leaders can claim victory and lull Americans into believing rising national debt is […]
Biggest FBI Spy Scandal of the Year
Libertarian Institute, May 25, 2023 EXPOSED: Biggest FBI Spy Scandal of the Year by Jim Bovard A Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinion released last week revealed that the FBI violated the constitutional rights of 278,000 Americans in 2020 and 2021 with warrantless searches of their email and other electronic data. For each American that the […]
N.Y. Post: The FBI just got caught in yet more massive, outrageous FISA abuses
New York Post, May 22, 2023 The FBI just got caught in yet more massive, outrageous FISA abuses by James Bovard Like the casino-gambling scene in “Casablanca,” the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court is “shocked, shocked” the Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to ravage the privacy of vast numbers of Americans. For each American the […]