American Institute for Economic Research, July 16, 2020 Sham Bailout Statistics Shroud Shutdown Tyranny by James Bovard – July 16, 2020 Last month, I wrote a piece here condemning the Trump administration for refusing to disclose the beneficiaries of bailouts authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The following day, […]
Tag Archives | fraud

Jamaica: No Free Market, No Miracle (1987)
This old article popped up in a Google search so I figured I would send it for another lap around the track. The Freeman, December 1987 (Foundation for Economic Education) Jamaica: No Free Market, No Miracle by James Bovard James Bovard, a widely published writer on economic affairs, writes frequently on international developments. An earlier […]

Thomas Szasz Born 100 Years Ago Today
Thomas Szasz, the great Hungarian-American champion of freedom, was born 100 years ago today. Tom was one of the great heroes of liberty of the modern era. Scholar Sheldon Richman aptly labeled Szasz “the most underappreciated libertarian.” His work had severed the chains on vast numbers of people wrongfully incarcerated because officialdom did not approve […]
Daily Caller: The Great College Hunger Hoax
American Renewal, December 2, 2019 The College Hunger Hoax: Move Over Freshman 15, Progressives Now Claim College Students Go Hungry At Rates Way Higher Than Everyone Else by James Bovard “Nearly half our college students are going hungry,” presidential candidate Bernie Sanders proclaimed on Saturday. Sanders’ tweet went viral, spurring more than 20,000 retweets […]
American Foreign Policy: Idiocy or Perfidy?
American Conservative Idiocy or Perfidy? How We Get Hooked on Foreign Democracy Crusades Ted Carpenter’s new book raises important questions about who is wagging who. By James Bovard • October 2, 2019 Official White House Photo by Pete Souza Gullible Superpower: U.S. Support For Bogus Foreign Democratic Movements by Ted Galen Carpenter, 2019, Cato Institute, […]

The Sham of Government Secrecy
The Sham of Government Secrecy by James Bovard The Supreme Court in June ruled that the federal government can keep secret the food-stamp sales totals of grocery stores. By a 6 to 3 vote, the Court declared that such business records are exempt from disclosure under the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This case, […]

USA Today: Supreme Court Turns FOIA Into a Fraud
USA Today, June 27, 2019 The Supreme Court rewrote FOIA into the Freedom FROM Information Act by James Bovard, Opinion columnist This Supreme Court decision doesn’t help those on food stamps. All it does is protect the interests of the federal government and business. This week the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government can keep secret […]