Tag Archives | Freedom


Political Accounting: Why Waste is Inevitable

From the Freeman, September 1999 – partly extracted from my Freedom in Chains (1999) Here are a few of the punchier lines from the piece – * The benevolence of government rarely transcends the venality of politics. * The amount of power a politician can seize over other people is inversely related to the politician’s […]

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Don’t Scapegoat Freedom for Leviathan’s Failures

Listening to the media touting Obama around the clock reminded me of a piece I wrote for Sheldon Richman, editor of the Freeman, five years ago. Unfortunately, the media and intellectuals are playing the same bunkum games now that they did under the previous president. Here are some one-liners plucked from the following article: * […]

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Democracy vs. Liberty (2006)

Today’s Foundation for Economic Education‘s email lists a 2006 Freeman article I wrote as a “timely classic.” Unfortunately, the article is not out of date.  Once more around the track…. Here are some of the punchier lines from the piece: *The more confused people’s thinking becomes, the easier it is for rulers to invoke democracy […]

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Public Policy Hooligan Hooped on Twitter

Hearty thanks to economist Greg Ransom, the mastermind of the Hayek Center, and to Irish farmer, writer, and freedom advocate Paddy Manning. The journalist I’ve always admired most, James Bovard, has written his remarkable & unlikely life story Kindle $6.95 amazon.com/gp/product/B00… — TakingHayekSeriously (@FriedrichHayek) March 20, 2013 finished Public Policy Hooligan by James Bovard, great […]

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Busing Tyranny by Boston’s Best & Brightest

From today’s Washington Times – BOVARD: A bitter lesson from ‘the best and the brightest’ Boston children were sacrificed on the altar of equality by James Bovard The Boston School Committee announced last week that it will finally end almost 40 years of forced busing — long after the policy effectively wrecked local schools. Forced […]

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My Time in the Tower of London 2006

Musing how Bush’s war on terror and invasion of Iraq ten years ago changed the world… Here’s one of my old fav pieces first published in 2006 by the Future of Freedom Foundation, supplemented with a few photos I took. When I visited the Tower of London, I was mesmerized by Traitor’s Gate. I wondered […]

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Podcast on Public Policy Hooligan- Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson’s Libertas project is rattling right along. He and I palavered for 40 minutes earlier this week talking about Public Policy Hooligan, Brian’s legendary cursing as a Baltimore radio host, and other zippety topics.  The discussion was fairly high-toned until Brian brought up “Raging Bitch.” You can listen to or download the interview by […]

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