Tag Archives | George W. Bush

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Iraq War: 15 Years of Lies and Pointless Carnage

This week is the 15th anniversary of the Bush administration’s attack on Iraq.  The nation has not recovered from the calamities that war inflicted at home and abroad.  Here are some of my epigrams in response to the Iraq war and the war on terrorism in general, pulled from Terrorism and Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice […]

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The Hill: George W. Bush’s Forgotten Crimes Against Democracy

The Hill, February 15, 2018  George W. Bush doesn’t deserve the media’s efforts at rehabilitation by James Bovard  “Our democracy is only as good as people trust the results,” former President George W. Bush declared in a presumably well-paid speech last week in the United Arab Emirates, a notorious Arab dictatorship. Bush is being exalted […]

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USA TODAY: Nunes memo released: FBI objections lacked credibility given bureau’s shady past

USA TODAY, February 2, 2018  Nunes memo released: FBI objections lacked credibility given bureau’s shady past by James Bovard The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is once again at the center of a political scandal. President Trump claims the FISA court wrongfully approved secret spying on his 2016 presidential campaign, while prominent Democrats claim Republicans are guilty […]

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USA TODAY: Don’t Partner with Tyrants to Fight Terrorism (2002)

I was sweeping away some clutter today and came across this clip of one of the first pieces I wrote for a national paper on the War on Terrorism.   Most editors saw me back then as hopelessly cynical, but Chris Collins at the USA Today editorial page gave me a shot.  She was always great to work with.   […]

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The Hill: Obama’s Forgotten Lies and Frauds

  The Hill, December 18, 2017 How quickly NY Times forgets Obama’s lies and frauds by James Bovard Donald Trump has been flogging the truth and twisting facts since the day he arrived in the Oval Office. But anyone who expected more candor from him as president than on the campaign trail was criminally naive. […]

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New Book: FREEDOM FRAUDS: Hard Lessons in American Liberty

The Future of Freedom Foundation just released a new Amazon Kindle collection of my articles.  Freedom Frauds: Hard Lessons in American Liberty is available for only $2.99 – less than the price of a good cigar (so I am told – I wouldn’t know). There’s the story of how I got nailed by the police while searching […]

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Democracy versus Liberty

Trump’s presidency is helping Americans recognize that voting is no guarantee for individual liberty. This is perhaps the most frequently forgotten lesson in politics.  Many liberals were convinced that Obama’s election somehow made Americans’ constitutional rights safe, while many conservatives believed that Al Gore’s defeat in 2000 provided the same windfall.  In reality, no president can be […]

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