Tag Archives | George W. Bush

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Senate Torture Report – My Initial Two Cents+

I have not finished reading the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture.  Following are some of my initial thoughts via Twitter @jimbovard – #TortureReport CIA interrogators often did not speak the language of detainees so they compensated by beating hell out of them — James Bovard (@JimBovard) December 11, 2014 #TortureReport With all the […]

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Torture Deja Vu: Congress Covered up Torture 8 Years Ago

It is good that Americans are finally learning some of the details of the CIA torture regime thanks to the Senate Intelligence Committee report.  But were the most shocking details redacted? Will we ever know?  Following is a piece I wrote 8 years ago after Congress enacted the Military Commissions Act which effectively retroactively legalized […]

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FFF: America’s Cluster Bomb Congress

The Future of Freedom Foundation placed online today my article from the August 2014 issue of the Future of Freedom – America’s Cluster Bomb Congress by James Bovard Tens of thousands of Americans have been bushwhacked by a single arcane sentence in a 673-page law Congress enacted six years ago. The IRS is seizing both […]

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Counterpunch: Obama’s Hypocritcal Crusade Against Extremism

Counterpunch, October 28, 2014 Obama’s Hypocritical Crusade Against Extremism by JAMES BOVARD In his speech last month to the United Nations, President Obama summoned foreign leaders to join his “campaign against extremism.” Obama has repeatedly invoked the “extremist” threat to justify attacking abroad and seizing more power at home since taking office in 2009. But […]

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Celebrating Constitution Day in the Age of Obama

This is Constitution Day; the official White House photo for the occasion is on the left.  Obama issued a proclamation for the occasion that is knee-deep with his usual Statist hokum. Obama declared: “Our Constitution…  secures the privileges we enjoy as citizens, but also demands participation, responsibility, and service to our country and to one another.” But […]

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My First Piece after 9/11: Dangers of Trusting Government

Last week was the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Reposted below is the first piece I had published after that attack. George Neumayr was the IBD editor who accepted the piece; George is now a contributing editor at American Spectator. (Still can’t understand why the New York Times op-ed page didn’t jump when I […]

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Obama Bombs Iraq to Mark Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Anniversary

  This week is the 50th anniversary of the infamous Gulf of Tonkin anniversary.  Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and President Johnson conned Congress into giving a blank check for war. Politicians have been lying the nation into war ever since (and before, for that matter).  President Obama yesterday announced that he was ordering bombing attacks […]

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