Tag Archives | George Washington

Biden’s parting deluge of deceit deserves damning

Biden’s parting deluge of deceit deserves damning by James Bovard, July 25, 2024 In a mere 11 minutes on Wednesday night, President Biden settled any doubts about whether he was fit for another four years of the presidency. Uncle Joe wrestled with the teleprompter like a slacker high school boy blindsided by trigonometry questions on […]

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Nikki Haley, Authoritarian-in-Waiting

American Conservative, January 31, 2024 Nikki Haley, Authoritarian-in-Waiting by James Bovard New advertisements from the Nikki Haley presidential campaign are touting the former South Carolina governor as the “better choice” for America. In a season in which the Biden re-election campaign is openly comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, Haley is increasingly portrayed as someone […]

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fdr gold poster

My Two-Bit Political Awakening

My Two-Bit Political Awakening by James Bovard Samuel Johnson may have been wrong when he declared, “There are few ways in which a man can be more innocently employed than in getting money.” But for young kids, collecting coins is a less pernicious pastime than becoming a pyromaniac or Tik-Tok star. My own experience collecting, […]

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Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic

American Institute for Economic Research, August 13, 2021 Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic James Bovard Fifty years ago, on August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that the U.S. government would cease honoring its pledge to pay gold to redeem the dollars held by foreign central banks. Nixon declared he was taking “action […]

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Old Coins Taught Me to Never Trust the Government

Mises Institute, July 2, 2020  How Collecting Old Coins Taught Me to Never Trust the Government by James Bovard Old coins vaccinated me against trusting politicians long before I grew my first scruffy beard. I began collecting coins when I was eight years old in 1965, the year President Lyndon Johnson began eliminating all the […]

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