Tag Archives | gun control

USA TODAY: More Iron Fists to Save Democracy?

USA TODAY, November 8, 2017 Trump election anniversary and progressives’ delusional race to save democracy by James Bovard Some liberals think increasing government power will repair our broken civic life. But it would destroy the tattered remnants of federal legitimacy. Responding to the anniversary of Donald Trump’s election, The Washington Post Magazine presented “38 ideas for […]

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FFF: Obama’s Forgotten Victims

Future of Freedom Foundation Obama’s Forgotten Victims by James Bovard The White House kept one seat vacant in the gallery during Obama’s State of the Union Address in January “for the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice.” This was part of Obama’s crusade for new federal restrictions on firearms ownership. But […]

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USA TODAY: Leave More Empty Seats for Obama Victims

USA TODAY, January 12, 2016 First Lady’s box should be empty at State of the Union speech by James Bovard Saving seats for the dead would require a lot more room for victims of Obama’s policies. The White House announced that there will be a seat left vacant in the gallery during Obama’s State of […]

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obama tears at gun grab announcement

Obama’s Latest Anti-Gun Nonsense and Hypocrisy

“I taught constitutional law, I know a little bit about this,” President Obama lectures us.  And then he says: “We understand there are some constraints on our freedom in order to protect innocent people.” And the best way to protect innocent people is to assume that gun owners as a group are guilty. I think […]

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Free FFF Books on Gun Control Today

The Future of Freedom Foundation is offering two free Kindle books on gun control.  The Tyranny of Gun Control includes a few essays I wrote on the topic in the 1990s, as well as essays by Sheldon Richman, Jacob Hornberger, and Richard Ebeling.   FFF is also offering a free copy of Scott McPherson’s zesty new book, […]

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New Yorker Cartoon: 911 is Busy, so Stand Your Ground

Progress! Even New Yorker cartoonists now understand the imperative of people not relying on police to save their necks…. (Okay, maybe that is not the interpretation the magazine hoped for, but…) A dozen years ago, I wrote a forward for a book entitled Dial 911 and Die, by Richard Stevens and Aaron Zelman. Here’s my […]

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