Tag Archives | gun control


Ruby Ridge, the FBI, and Louis Freeh – My 1995 Cover Story

Here is my all-time favorite magazine cover story – my 1995 tribute to FBI boss Louis Freeh.  This story came out five months after Freeh publicly denounced me in a letter to the Wall Street Journal. Freeh was outraged over a piece I did on the FBI’s killing at Ruby Ridge.  One of Randy Weaver’s […]

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Podcast: Richard Jewell & the Mirage of FBI Competence – Libertarian Institute & Free Man Beyond the Wall

Here’s a zesty 32 minute podcast from last week. The Libertarian Institute’s summary: “Pete Quinones invited Jim Bovard to return to the show. James is the author of 10 books mostly detailing waste, failures, corruption, cronyism and abuses of power in government. Jim recently wrote and article for Daily Caller entitled, “Richard Jewell, Carter Page and […]

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Airmen from the 375th Security Forces Squadron participate in active shooting training Jan. 29, 2014.  The Airmen went through the hallways searching for the person who was acting out the role of an active shooter.  In 2009, Fort Hood, Texas, experienced an active shoooter incident and more recently so did the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., so the 375th SFS trains on how to respond to them.   (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Maria Bowman)

Hysteria Over School Safety Won’t Keep Us Safe

Mises Institute, April 19, 2019 Hysteria Over School Safety Won’t Keep Us Safe by James Bovard Numerous Indiana elementary school teachers were shot in January as part of a “safe schools” training program. According to the Indiana State Teachers Association, sheriff deputies ordered teachers “into a room four at a time, told them to crouch […]

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jpb NRA 2001 mccain cover page

John McCain vs. Gun Owners (2001)

My 2001 article on John McCain versus Gun Owners –  from America’s 1st Freedom From America’s 1st Freedom July 2001 “WHAT’S HAPPENED TO JOHN McCAIN?” by James Bovard “YOU DIDN’T HAVE a conservative senator from the West leading the charge for gun control before now,” Michael Barnes, the head now, of Handgun Control, bragged to […]

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The Hill: Gun Crackdowns Ignore Waco & Other ATF Atrocities

The Hill, March 7, 2018 Gun crackdowns have already led to too many federal abuses by James Bovard President Trump declared last week that the law enforcement should “take the guns first, go through due process second.” But the history of federal firearms enforcement shows that due process is often a mirage when federal bureaucrats […]

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Democracy versus Liberty

Trump’s presidency is helping Americans recognize that voting is no guarantee for individual liberty. This is perhaps the most frequently forgotten lesson in politics.  Many liberals were convinced that Obama’s election somehow made Americans’ constitutional rights safe, while many conservatives believed that Al Gore’s defeat in 2000 provided the same windfall.  In reality, no president can be […]

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