Hillary tribute video: "How many ways will she light up the world?" Blowing the hell out of Libya, Syria, Iraq is a start #DemsInPhilly — James Bovard (@JimBovard) July 29, 2016 Hillary tribute video – Bill Clinton refers to the "golden years of our lives" – They haven't snared enough millions yet? #DemsInPhilly — James […]
Tag Archives | hillary clinton

Bashing the Political Conventions with Ernie Hancock on FreedomsPhoenix Radio
Ernie Hancock and I had fun whupping up on the Democratic and Republican National Conventions on his FreedomsPhoenix / Liberty Radio Network radio show this morning. I was hoping that Ernie could explain how Trump and Hillary have redeemed the American political system but no suck luck. In the final third of the 54 minute […]

Obama’s Hillary Tub-Thumping
I'm looking forward to Obama explaining how Hillary persuaded him to bomb Libya and unleash murderous chaos in that nation #DNCinPHL — James Bovard (@JimBovard) July 28, 2016 Obama: "We don't look to be ruled." So is he renouncing every decree he inflicted since 2009? #DNCinPHL — James Bovard (@JimBovard) July 28, 2016 Obama wraps […]

Bill Clinton’s Heroic Hokum on Hillary
Will Bill Clinton once again break the "lies per minute" record at a national convention? #DemsInPhilly — James Bovard (@JimBovard) July 27, 2016 Bill Clinton – "Drop Hillary in any trouble spot & she will make it better" – Tell that to the Libyans, Syrians, Yemenis #DemsInPhilly — James Bovard (@JimBovard) July 27, 2016 Bill […]
USA TODAY: Obama’s Anti-Corruption Fraud Around the World
USA TODAY Obama’s global anti-corruption cops should call Internal Affairs by James Bovard Our Democratic president continues to fund global corruption just like the Republican before him. It looks like Hillary Clinton will too. The Obama administration wants Americans to believe that it is fiercely anti-corruption. “I’ve been shocked by the degree to which I […]
Democratic Debate Hoots & Huckstering
Tonight’s Democratic candidate debate was everything a cynic could have wished for. Government retained its power to perform miracles, though no one explicitly promised that it could raise the dead. It is amazing to see how far & easily both Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley ran from their records in office. Following are some of […]
USA TODAY: Leave More Empty Seats for Obama Victims
USA TODAY, January 12, 2016 First Lady’s box should be empty at State of the Union speech by James Bovard Saving seats for the dead would require a lot more room for victims of Obama’s policies. The White House announced that there will be a seat left vacant in the gallery during Obama’s State of […]