Tag Archives | inflation


Why Trump Routed the D.C. Establishment, Again

Why Trump Routed the D.C. Establishment, Again 11/07/2024 • Mises Wire • James Bovard After the media complained nonstop for months about Donald Trump offering a dark message on the presidential campaign trail, a New York Times headline bewailed his election victory on Wednesday morning: “America Hires a Strongman.” So anyone who cast a ballot […]

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Peach Picking Philosopher

PEACH PICKING PHILOSOPHER – Peaches propelled my early descent to the Dark Side. When I was 15, I spent the summer working in an orchard with an endlessly enraged ex-drill sergeant as foreman. That job nourished my cynicism, cigar smoking, and my devotion to self-employment. Most important: the philosophical lesson drawn from a hard-drinking co-worker […]

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Biden’s Sham Snickers Salvation Shtick

Biden’s Sham Snickers Salvation Shtick by James Bovard       May 20, 2024 In 1896, Democratic Party presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan made a famous pro-inflation speech, proclaiming “you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” (and stable prices). In 2024, President Joe Biden is campaigning for re-election by denouncing corporations for crucifying consumers on […]

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jb nypost snack attack 3 6 2024 shrinkflation canvas

N.Y. Post: Joe Biden’s State of the Union ‘shrinkflation’ swindle

New York Post, March 6, 2024 Joe Biden’s State of the Union ‘shrinkflation’ swindle  Since Joe Biden became president, the dollar’s purchasing power has shrunk by 18% as Americans suffered the worst inflationary ravages since the Carter era. But that plunge is trivial compared with the nation’s real affliction: Snack companies “charge you just as […]

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