Biden's #BuildBackBetter relies on “modern monetary theory” — intellectual hucksterism which presumes any election winner is entitled to spend as many dollars as the government can seize or create. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) December 21, 2021 Manchin is guilty of rejecting the “government spending as magic beans” philosophy that permeates the Biden administration. Build […]
Tag Archives | inflation
Skyrocketing fuel costs will lead to a winter of discontent
New York Post, November 11, 2021 Skyrocketing fuel costs will lead to a long, cold winter of discontent for Americans — courtesy of Biden By James Bovard Get ready for a winter of discontent, thanks to Joe Biden. NY Post illustration One year ago, President-elect Joe Biden warned that Americans would have a “very dark […]
Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic
American Institute for Economic Research, August 13, 2021 Nixon’s Gold Treachery Made Me a Cynic James Bovard Fifty years ago, on August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon announced that the U.S. government would cease honoring its pledge to pay gold to redeem the dollars held by foreign central banks. Nixon declared he was taking “action […]
Biden’s “Will of the People” Malarkey
American Conservative, December 18, 2020 Biden’s ‘Will of the People’ Malarkey Generations of presidents have cited “the will of the people” to legitimize power grabs. The Founding Fathers wouldn’t approve. by James Bovard In his cough-ridden victory speech Monday night, President-elect Joe Biden proclaimed again that “the will of the people prevailed” in the 2020 […]
Old Coins Taught Me to Never Trust the Government
Mises Institute, July 2, 2020 How Collecting Old Coins Taught Me to Never Trust the Government by James Bovard Old coins vaccinated me against trusting politicians long before I grew my first scruffy beard. I began collecting coins when I was eight years old in 1965, the year President Lyndon Johnson began eliminating all the […]
Economic Suicide: Federal Reserve Destroys the Dollar
From today’s interview with Press TV. Their journalist caught me early in the day before I had done any cussing, so I probably wasn’t as caustic as I should have been. ****** Experts are correct in blaming the US Federal Reserve’s policies for a nosedive that the US dollar has taken in value, says an […]