Tag Archives | Iraq


FFF: Freedom vs. Medals of Freedom

From the Future of Freedom Foundation’s monthly journal – Freedom vs. Medals of Freedom by James Bovard Though proximity to power is its own reward, rulers have long recognized the benefit of distributing trinkets to potential sycophants. From medieval times onwards, the English king was seen as the “fount of all honors.” The British government […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Democracy Flim-Flam

WASHINGTON TIMES   June 20, 2014 How Obama whoops up democracy The president blunders by thinking voting alone will keep people safe by James Bovard As his foreign policy becomes more bollixed by the week, President Obama is taking refuge by whooping up democracy. In Warsaw, Poland, earlier this month, Mr. Obama proclaimed, “Wherever people are […]

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Iraq War Flashback: 2003 Epigrams

As the Obama administration appears to be stumbling back towards warring in Iraq, many folks are recalling the follies of the Bush administration’s 2003 war.   This excellent Tom Toles’ cartoon from the Washington Post captures W.’s legacy. As the Bush administration was rattling its sabers towards Iraq from mid-2002 onwards, I hustled numerous pieces to […]

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Supreme Court Helps Obama Trample Press Freedom

The Supreme Court announced today that it refused to hear a federal court case involving the Obama administration’s targeting of New York Times reporter James Risen.  Risen has been in the federal cross-hairs since January 2008 because of details in his 2006 book, A State of War, about a botched CIA effort to subvert Iran’s […]

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My 2008 FFF Speech: Bush’s War on Civil Liberties – Transcript

The Future of Freedom Foundation is producing transcripts from its 2007 and 2008 conferences.  Following is the text of my speech at their June 2008 conference,  “Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties” held in Reston, Virginia.  My opening bit about having lunch with Homeland Security czar Mike Chertoff and getting the scoop on […]

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Bradley Manning Verdict & WikiLeaks Movie

Bradley Manning got nailed today by a military judge for exposing the truth. The folks who committed war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq have almost all walked scot-free. The folks who made the policies that led to the abuses have never faced federal charges. Dreamworks has a movie on Wikileaks that will be coming out […]

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