Can Patel Leash the FBI? by James Bovard, American Institute for Economic Research, January 31, 2025 The FBI has long been considered the most powerful and the most incorrigible federal domestic agency. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing for Kash Patel, President Trump’s nominee to head the Bureau. Can Patel, the author […]
Tag Archives | Janet Reno

The Canine Constitutional Veto
Police Dogs Have Abolished Constitutional Due Process by James Bovard The Fifth Amendment declares, “No person shall be . . . deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Except by dogs. The Supreme Court declared in 1967, “Wherever a man may be, he is entitled to know that he will remain free from […]

Janet Reno Is No Hero
Reason Magazine, January 2024 Janet Reno Is No Hero A new biography by Judith Hicks Stiehm ignores Janet Reno’s many failures as attorney general. James Bovard | From the January 2024 issue Janet Reno: A Life, by Judith Hicks Stiehm, University Press of Florida, 224 pages, $35\ In April 24, 2000, a day after Easter […]

30 Years Later, Waco is Still Damning
30 Years Later, Waco is Still Damning by Jim Bovard | Apr 18, 2023 Thirty years ago, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas. After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were dug out of the rubble. Unfortunately, […]

Remembering Waco Atrocities with the Scott Horton Show
From the website: Jim Bovard is back on the show to discuss the Federal Government’s siege at Waco thirty years ago. Scott and Bovard reflect on how they both first learned about the story. Bovard then goes through his experience reporting on the government’s evolving PR campaign to avoid blame for committing mass murder […]

Congressional Conniptions, FBI Perfidy, and Zaxby’s Chicken on the Brian Wilson Podcast
from the Something Completely Different website: “This week, Brian and Jim discuss Congressional Committee hearings, leading to memories of Janet Reno, Waco, the first World Trade Center bombing, governmental responsibility, the Fed… and fast food.” At the end of the podcast, Brian Wilson touted my Public Policy Hooligan as an “action-romance thriller.” I scoffed: “Not […]

Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash
The Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash by James Bovard March 19, 2021 The easiest way to achieve sainthood in Washington is to cover up a federal atrocity. Thus, it is no surprise that former senator John Danforth continues to be treated by the Washington Post as a visionary statesman. The Post showcased Danforth’s attack on […]