Tag Archives | Lying

cluster cluster-bombs

Thumping Blundering to War

Media elite believe that Americans will happily pay soaring gas prices to "virtue signal" their support for Ukraine. This is almost as foolhardy as Putin's invasion of Ukraine. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) March 8, 2022 This #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine protest would be more realistic with some massive blasts to rattle all the artists' teeth, symbolizing the risk […]

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2014 photo via Wikipedia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCN6WabWEBw

Washington Foreign Policy Experts Could Get Us All Killed

The Biden administration appears to be blundering ever close to a war with Russia. People can condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the killing of civilians without fantasizing that the U.S. military has a magic wand to stop that war.  Unfortunately, the American media and a herd of pundits is pushing for military intervention such […]

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biden sotu Screenshot 2022-03-01 220029

“Go Get Him!??” Carping on Biden’s State of the Union Address

Biden’s speech ended with a bizarre shout: “Go get him!” Everyone mystified so far by that closing. Hearty thanks to the Ron Paul Institute for their kind words on this post: Jim Bovard is an authentic American hero. There is truly no one like him in journalism today. Read everything he writes. Listen to everything […]

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D.C.’s “Best Information Available” Charade

American Institute for Economic Research, February 19, 2022 D.C.’s “Best Information Available” Charade James Bovard On a sweltering June morning in 1993, I loitered in a long line of people stretched down a football-field length hallway on the third floor of the headquarters of the US Commerce Department. The queue started outside the entrance of […]

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Covid and Corrupt Federal Statistics

American Institute for Economic Research, December 28, 2021 Covid and Corrupt Federal Statistics James Bovard Federal agencies don’t count what politicians don’t want to know. President Biden and other Democrats continuously invoke “science and data” to sanctify all their Covid-19 mandates and policies, but the same shenanigans and willful omissions have characterized Covid data. During […]

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Bitter Belated Afghan Vindication

Bitter Belated Afghan Vindication by James Bovard November 5, 2021 The 20-year U.S. war in Afghanistan ended with a bang in August as a terrorist attack killed a dozen Marines at the Kabul airport. For almost 20 years, The Future of Freedom Foundation has been one of the few organizations that stalwartly criticized the Afghanistan […]

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