Tag Archives | media


Was the Iraq War the Biggest Con of the 21st Century?

Was the Iraq War the Biggest Con of the 21st Century? by Jim Bovard | Mar 23, 2023 The Iraq War was spawned by a deadly combination of political depravity and media complicity. Unfortunately, on the twentieth anniversary of the war, both elements of that conspiracy are being whitewashed.  Instead, politicians and their pundit accomplices […]

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Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 20-27-00 NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness

New York Post: NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness

New York Post, October 23, 2022 NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness By James Bovard Just in time for Halloween and the congressional midterm elections, The New York Times wallops readers with a front-page story about GOP “devil terms.” Times reporters sifted through millions of documents to prove that Republicans […]

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The Latest Media Assault on Freedom

The Latest Media Assault on Freedom   b y James Bovard Prominent journalists are calling for the media to champion a “pro-democracy” bias in how they portray politicians and government agencies. But tub-thumping for democracy — or at least for politicians who claim to be pro-democracy — is a poor substitute for exposing the proliferation of […]

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My First Attack on the War on Terror October 2001

Investor’s Business Daily October 2, 2001 Government Trust Grows Despite Its Inability to Protect by JAMES BOVARD Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Americans’ trust in government is soaring after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The number of people who trust the government to do the right thing has doubled since last year, and […]

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Will More Media Bias Save Democracy?

American Institute for Economic Research, July 31, 2021 Will More Media Bias Save Democracy? James Bovard The Washington Post’s media columnist is summoning saviors because “our democracy is under attack.” Margaret Sullivan wants Washington journalists to adopt a “pro-democracy” frame and “start being patriotic.”  Reporters should cease focusing on “winners and losers” in political skirmishes […]

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The Decline of Knockdown Journalism

Somebody was asking about this piece recently so I’m sending it for another lap around the track (or at least the blog).  An editing error in the posted version stated that Hersh won the Pulitzer for his 1972 New Yorker article on the My Lai massacre.  My original submission correctly stated that Hersh won the […]

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