The American Conservative What the ‘Dumpster Fire’ D.C. Metro Says About Federal Bureaucracy City council just voted to impose a 500 percent tax hike on Uber and Lyft. Really? By James Bovard • July 10, 2018 The Washington D.C. Metro.(Credit: Thomas Hawk/Flickr/Creative Commons The District of Columbia Council voted in June to impose a […]
Tag Archives | metro

Carping on the Prez Campaign, Drone Killings, Metro terrorism, etc.
Due process 2016-style Newly-released documents show that Obama must both wink & nod before drones kill US citizens — James Bovard (@JimBovard) August 7, 2016 WPost oped sez release of 28 pages on 9/11 won' t"stop conspiracy theories" – 'cuz they show govt. lies? @28Pages — James Bovard (@JimBovard) August 4, 2016 FBI […]

Washington Subway: Metro’s Fiery 40th Birthday Party
One benefit of the recent subway shutdown in Washington is that the system did not kill anybody that day. The New York Times recently noted how Metro’s construction 40 years ago was part of a “grand vision of American liberalism.” But the system only cares about paying its own employees and bureaucrats – to […]
D.C. Metro Subway Screws Customers, Clamors for Subsidies
“Metro, citing drop in subway ridership, urges Congress to boost transit benefit” reads the Washington Post headline. The DC subway system has been screwing riders almost every chance possible in recent years – especially with endless weekend planned slowdowns for “track maintenance.” The weekend work crews (probably receiving double or triple overtime) and they are […]