Tag Archives | Nancy Pelosi


Will More Media Bias Save Democracy?

American Institute for Economic Research, July 31, 2021 Will More Media Bias Save Democracy? James Bovard The Washington Post’s media columnist is summoning saviors because “our democracy is under attack.” Margaret Sullivan wants Washington journalists to adopt a “pro-democracy” frame and “start being patriotic.”  Reporters should cease focusing on “winners and losers” in political skirmishes […]

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Treason And Thoughtcrime Are Easier Than Ever In Biden’s America

Daily Caller, January 29, 2021 How Treason And Thoughtcrime Are Easier Than Ever In Biden’s America James Bovard Contributor   President Joe Biden is supplementing his calls for national unity with fervent denunciations of extremists, insurrectionists, and domestic terrorists, as well as comparing Senate opponents to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Biden is now in charge […]

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In a Paranoid Nation, “Treason” Is Everywhere

Mises Institute, January 26, 2021 In a Paranoid Nation, “Treason” Is Everywhere by James Bovard FBI agents across the nation are tracking down and arresting Trump supporters who walked into the US Capitol during the January 6 protest that turned into a brawl. Scores of protestors have already been charged with unlawful entry—“knowingly entering or remaining […]

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Collective Guilt and the New Witch Hunt

American Conservative, January 15, 2021 Collective Guilt and the New Witch Hunt Hatred is at an all-time high in Washington. Will Congress step in to become the arbiters of truth? by  James Bovard “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” was the question used in congressional hearings in […]

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