From “James Bovard, author of Attention Deficit Democracy, discusses his article, “Uncle Sam’s big plans for your hard-earned tax dollars;” the two-party “consensus of rascals” on US foreign policy; the “best and brightest” government policymakers who are blinded by arrogance, tunnel vision and echo chambers; and the confusion about whether disastrous foreign policy decisions […]
Tag Archives | Obama
Your Tax Dollars at Work and Play
Washington Times, April 15, 2011 Uncle Sam’s big plans for your hard-earned tax dollars by James Bovard Congratulations – your tax payment is probably your biggest purchase of the year. The federal tax burden now amounts to more than $20,000 per household, according to Internal Revenue Service data. Your contribution to the Treasury coffers will […]
Absurdity of Trusting Foreign Policymakers
sent out this morn by the Future of Freedom Foundation… The Absurdity of Trusting Foreign-Policy Makers by James Bovard, April 13, 2011 The United States is attacking Libya on the basis of vague hopes that peace will triumph after the Allied bombing ceases. There are plenty of reasons to doubt whether a few hundred cruise […]
Obama’s Torture Regime?
Spencer Ackerman of Wired has an excellent piece today on the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command’s secret jails in Afghanistan. Ackerman notes: Human rights groups have been sounding the alarm about these detention centers since 2009. Detainees who claim to have gone through the sites have told them about abuses inside the so-called “Black Jails” […]
MP3 of Interview on Brian Wilson Show: Libya, ICE, WPost, and other targets
WSPD’s Brian Wilson had a rattlin’ good chat yesterday about various political villains and other scoundrels. You can listen to the @ 25 minute interview by clinking on the highlighted text below: jpb-brian-wilson-show-4-06-2011-0555537c8
Wash. Post Editorial: Kill More Libyans Now!
The Washington Post has an editorial today fretting that the Obama administration has not killed enough Libyans. The Post warns that U.S. killing of more Libyans is the best way to assure a bright future for Libya. OK, that’s not verbatim – but this is: “The dangers of the military stalemate for the United States […]
Speech on Middle East “Fell Short, Lacked Substance”
No, this is not a judgment on Obama’s gas-bagging on Monday night. Instead, that is the State Department’s verdict on a speech today by Syria’s “President” Bashar al-Assad. After all the BS the Obama administration has shoveled, one would think that U.S. officials would be a bit circumspect before snipping about other leaders’ tripe.