Tag Archives | reagan


Freedom Fighter Jon Utley Tribute Video Now Online

I blogged a few weeks ago about the tribute gathering for the 80th birthday of Jon Utley, the publisher of American Conservative and one of the most dedicated and principled pro-freedom and antiwar activists in the nation.   The Committee for the Republic  and the Empire Salon have now placed online the video from that event.  There […]

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My 1983 “Feeding Everybody” / Food Stamp Failure article

Yesterday’s Washington Times’ “Obama’s Obesity Epidemic” article is spurring some controversy.  Rush Limbaugh quoted the piece and the liberal website Media Matters attacked his statements.  Media Matters also asserted that “Bovard mislead his readers about obesity studies to craft a false narrative that food stamp use is linked to childhood obesity.” But there is far more evidence of that link that was […]

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Wash. Post Finally Sees the Light on Food Stamps?

The Washington Post had an excellent front-page article on Sunday on how food stamps are spawning epidemics of obesity and diabetes. I especially enjoyed the article because, 30 years ago, a Washington Post editorial denounced me after I wrote a long piece (entitled “Feeding Everybody“) on the failure of federal food assistance for Heritage Foundation’s […]

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30 Years Ago: U.S. Marines Bombed in Beirut

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. The incursion into Lebanon was one of the biggest debacles of the Reagan administration.  Unfortunately, though Reagan eventually recognized his folly and pulled troops out, other presidents did not recognize the tragic lessons of the pointless loss of American troops. […]

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