Tag Archives | Russia


New York Post: Distrust “Information” from the Biden Administration

New York Post, February 9, 2022 Why everyone should ‘doubt the information’ from Joe Biden’s government By James Bovard At a State Department briefing last week, Team Biden spokesman Ned Price chided an Associated Press reporter who wanted some evidence for his claims on Russia: “I’m sorry that you’re doubting the information that is in […]

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Political Legitimacy Dies in 2020

American Institute for Economic Research, July 28, 2020 Political Legitimacy Dies in 2020 James Bovard The American political system may be on the eve of its worst legitimacy crisis since the Civil War. Early warning signals indicate that many states could suffer catastrophic failures in counting votes in November. The election will occur amidst the […]

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NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur by Ted Carpenter

If you’re seeking to understand how NATO became a peril to keeping America at peace, check out an excellent new book by my friend Ted Carpenter, NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur. NATO did superb work thwarting Soviet aggression in Europe. But NATO had no purpose after the Soviet Union dissolved. Unfortunately, NATO responded by continually expanding, […]

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Trump Should Push Congress to Admit Folly & Futility of Syrian Intervention

American Renewal Trump Should Ask Congress To Approve Military Intervention In Syria, If Members Want It So Badly Shutterstock/ Dirtymono James Bovard Contributor October 21, 2019 5:58 PM ET The House of Representatives voted 354 to 60 on Oct. 16 to condemn President Donald Trump’s pullback of U.S. troops from eastern Syria as “beneficial to […]

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Carping on the Mueller Report

More to follow…. When reading #MuellerReport, remember that FBI chief @Comey torpedoed an offer from Julian Assange to provide key details on the DNC emails leak https://t.co/xos4MvIAfs — James Bovard (@JimBovard) April 18, 2019 Record-setting Canonization? The 195,000-word #MuellerReport became holy writ within hours. Remember that prosecutors did not prove their case before an impartial […]

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