Kevin Gosztola has posted the NBC video of Thomas Drake’s excellent speech from yesterday’s anti-surveillance rally. Here’s the spiel:

“There is no trigger guard on political ambition.”
Kevin Gosztola has posted the NBC video of Thomas Drake’s excellent speech from yesterday’s anti-surveillance rally. Here’s the spiel:
Thomas Drake after his speech The Restore the Fourth organization had a rally at McPherson Square in downtown DC on this July 4th afternoon. They had several excellent speakers – including the Libertarian Party’s Carla Howell, CEI’s Ryan Radia, Cato’s Julian Sanchez, and Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin. (Other rallies are occurring across the nation.) […]
Today is the 25th anniversary of the U.S. Navy shooting down an Iranian passenger jet. Following is the writeup on the shootdown from my 2003 book, Terrorism & Tyranny: In the wake of the Iranian arms debacle, the Reagan administration sent the U.S. Navy to patrol the Persian Gulf—in part to reassure Arab nations that the U.S. […]
from the Future of Freedom Foundation – POLICE TYRANNY, SLIGHTLY CURBED by James Bovard (posted by FFF June 26, 2013) On the night of March 3, 2010, University of Maryland students spilled out onto a main street in College Park, Maryland, to celebrate a victory by the school’s basketball team. Prince George’s County police had […]
Midnight yesterday was the deadline for comments on the TSA’s checkpoint obscenities. A stampede occurred near closing time and more than 5400 people added their 2 cents to the official forum. Below is my comment (extracted from last week’s Washington Times op-ed). Looking at this riff with fresh eyes today, I lament that I […]
Man Killed During F.B.I. Inquiry Said to Have Been Violent — The New York Times (@nytimes) May 31, 2013 This is the damndest Twitter headline I ever saw. “Said to have been violent” – who said it? We can’t tell you. Who killed him? It’s a secret. Why did the FBI totally change […]
From the Future of Freedom Foundation‘s Future of Freedom magazine – THE CONTINUING FORFEITURE SCOURGE by James Bovard A federal crime wave is sweeping the nation, and prosecutors and G-men could not be happier about it. The Wall Street Journal reported that government “forfeiture programs confiscated homes, cars, boats, and cash in more than 15,000 cases [in 2010]. […]