Tag Archives | Supreme Court


My 2008 FFF Speech: Bush’s War on Civil Liberties – Transcript

The Future of Freedom Foundation is producing transcripts from its 2007 and 2008 conferences.  Following is the text of my speech at their June 2008 conference,  “Restoring the Republic 2008: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties” held in Reston, Virginia.  My opening bit about having lunch with Homeland Security czar Mike Chertoff and getting the scoop on […]

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N.Y. Times Snares Secret FISA Court Decrees – Fresh Hell for NSA and Obama

The New York Times published a long article today on secret rulings by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The article describes the FISA court as “almost a parallel Supreme Court” which has cast aside traditional understandings of privacy and the Fourth Amendment. Reading between the lines, it is clear that NYT has the actual decisions…. […]

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The Voting Rights Mirage

 The Washington Times, July 3, 2013 BOVARD: The voting rights mirage Satisfied to cast ballots, Americans stand idle while other freedoms are ravished by James Bovard Liberals are aghast at the Supreme Court ruling last week that struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg denounced the […]

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Counterpunch: My Supreme Court Fashion Felony

Counterpunch, May 20, 2013 Booted for Laughing at Drug War My Supreme Court Fashion Felony by JAMES BOVARD In March 1995, I visited the sacred burial ground of Americans’ rights and liberties – the Supreme Court. Working on an article for Playboy, I went to watch lawyers argue a case of great principle and tawdry details. […]

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From Hooligan: How I Got Kicked Out of the Supreme Court

The @HLMenckenbot had a great Mencken quote on Twitter this morning: “The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence.” It never occurred me that laughing in court could be a crime punishable by jail time.  But maybe […]

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Wash. Times: Will Supreme Court End USDA Dictatorship?

  Washington Times, May 13, 2003 BOVARD: Dancing to the beat of the grapevine The raisin famers seek servitude liberation Does the secretary of agriculture need unlimited power over farmers to protect them against themselves? The Supreme Court might finally settle this issue in an imminent decision on one of USDA’s most bizarre regimes. When […]

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