Tag Archives | tariffs

Tariffs word cloud on a white background.

Tariffs Are Bipartisan Enemies of Freedom

Libertarian Institute, July 17, 2024 Tariffs Are Bipartisan Enemies of Freedom by James Bovard President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both portray tariffs as magic wands to create national prosperity. Trump is calling for a 10% across-the-board tariff on imports, while Biden is imposing selective tariffs that he portrays as miracle cures for […]

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Talking Last Rights on the Ernie Hancock Radio Show

Ernie Hancock and I had a rattling good conversation this week on our latest escapades and the nation going to hell politically. The last time I saw Ernie, we were celebrating at Washington brewery – the feds had just ceased hounding him about his radio interviews with January 6 folks. You can listen to the […]

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Biden Perpetuates Washington’s Idiotic Steel Trade Policies

Biden Perpetuates Washington’s Idiotic Steel Trade Policies 04/19/2024 • Mises Wire • James Bovard Joe Biden is seeking to boost his reelection campaign by torpedoing Chinese imports. In an April 17 speech in Pittsburgh, the symbolic heart of the steel industry, Biden announced that he asked his US trade representative to triple tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports. […]

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Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1

Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1 by James Bovard Fearing that my writing style was becoming anemic, I recently sought a literary booster shot from my bookshelves. Happily, a dozen volumes of Thomas Macaulay awaited me. Macaulay made history mesmerizing, and I have been captivated by his speed, grace, and wit for 40 years. […]

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Protectionism Is Immoral, Unjust, and Corrupt

Mises Institute, October 27, 2021 Protectionism Is Immoral, Unjust, and Corrupt by James Bovard Protectionism is reviving in Washington on both sides of the political aisle. Democrats are cheering proposals to restrict trade to benefit labor unions and save the environment while some Republicans are reviving Smoot-Hawley style salvation schemes. Protectionist advocates routinely seize the […]

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Heisting the Secret U.S. Tariff Code

American Institute for Economic Research, October 4, 2021 The Secret Tariff Code Heist James Bovard Nothing so diminishes democracy as secrecy,” as Attorney General Ramsey Clark warned in 1967. As a journalist, I have battled federal agencies for decades to try to discover the sordid details of how Americans’ rights and liberties are being shafted. […]

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Steel Follies and the Perils of Politically-Controlled Trade

American Institute for Economic Research, April 22, 2021 Steel Follies and the Perils of Politically-Controlled Trade James Bovard The Biden administration appears determined to perpetrate all of Trump’s economic follies while adding fresh blunders of its own. Trump was notorious for saying incorrect things on trade, such as his assertion that “trade wars are good, […]

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