Brian Wilson and I did an interview yesterday on some of the latest federal BS. Here’s the summary from the Libertas Media Project: “Another conversation with Public Policy Hooligan author James Bovard about his recent piece in The Washington Times . If you have an opinion on the TSA (and who doesn’t), you’ll want to read Jim’s commentary. It includes a […]
Tag Archives | Taxes

My 1998 piece: The IRS, Now & Forever
The Foundation for Economic Education reposted this as a “timely classic” last week. A few highlights: *In recent years, IRS agents have been indoctrinated to see taxpayers as a class enemy. *The only Americans who have legal rights, in the IRS’s eyes, are those who can afford to hire lawyers and topnotch accountants to fight […]

MP3 Podcast of Today’s IRS Interview with WWL’s Garland Robinette
New Orleans’ radio host Garland Robinette and I had a jolly time kicking around IRS history today on WWL radio. Listening to the traffic report before the show began, I was amused to hear a reference to the “Huey Long Bridge.” Since my Wall Street Journal piece talked about FDR’s targeting of Huey Long, it was […]

Wall Street Journal Retorts to my IRS article
The Wall Street Journal published a letter today in response to my article, “A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting.” The story generated more than 260 comments online, including plenty of thoughtful observations. Reposted below are a few of the testier comments. Charitable Giving and IRS Abuses: The general outrage over the IRS auditing political […]
New Yorker Cartoonist Exposes IRS Secret
This great cartoon by Weyant from the new issue of the New Yorker explains the IRS far better than do most recent news stories.

MP3 of IRS Interview on Janine Turner Radio Show
I had a lively chat yesterday with conservative firebrand and former Hollywood star Janine Turner on her Houston KPRC (and XM/Sirius) radio show. She wanted to hash out the Wall Street Journal piece on the IRS, and we had fun jibing at Congress. Well, at least I did. I got the hunch that Janine’s confidence in […]

Perfect Artwork for IRS Tea Party Scandal
The IRS enjoyed using the tax exemption applications from the Tea Party for bureaucratic target shooting. But now the agency is finding itself in the wrong end of the political shooting gallery. [the great illustration is from today’s New York Times]