Tag Archives | Terrorism

My Early Optimism on the War on Terror & Civil Liberties

I had forgotten about the following riff until stumbling across it a few days ago. In late September 2001, Reason magazine asked a handful of folks “to discuss which civil lliberties they thought were most at risk in what has been called America’s first 21st century war.” They published the responses in an article entitled, […]

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Bogus Anti-Terrorist Crackdown on Financial Freedom

posted today by the Future of Freedom Foundation – from the October 2009 issue of Freedom Daily… The Bogus Anti-Terrorist Crackdown on Financial Freedom by James Bovard In the post–9/11 era, federal officials are treating cash as they would a suspected weapon of mass destruction. They have created legions of new restrictions and reporting requirements […]

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The Media as Enablers of Government Lies

Posted online today… The Media as Enablers of Government Lies Freedom Daily August 2009 by James Bovard Why do politicians so easily get away with telling lies? In large part, because the news media are more interested in bonding with politicians than in exposing them. Americans are encouraged to believe that the media will serve […]

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Where do we Report the Terrorist Cops???

The Los Angeles Police Department has a new video out encouraging people to run squealing to the police practically every time some stranger asks directions to City Hall. This is part of an orchestrated effort to keep people jumpy and clamoring for government to save them. But where do we report terrorist cops? Los Angeles […]

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Antiwar Interview on Ashcroft, Tyranny, etc. now online

Scott Horton and I had a rollicking good chat earlier this week on the post 9/11 roundup of innocent terrorist suspects, why John Ashcroft should receive “justice” (and hard), the outrage of sovereign immunity, and the bisexual congresswoman entrapped by a lesbian foreign agent. You can hear it here. [If that link doesn’t work, hit […]

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The Post 9/11 Round-up of Innocents: Ashcroft’s High Crime

The Post–9/11 Roundup of Innocents by James Bovard Freedom Daily May & June, 2009 Many Americans have been lulled into a false sense of security by the end of the George W. Bush administration. In reality, the government continues to pose grave perils to people’s rights and liberties. And it could take only one shocking […]

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Other Outrageous Terrorism Prosecutions

I appreciate the thoughtful emails on the Lackawanna Six article. Unfortunately, the proseuction in that case was par for the Bush-era domestic war on terrorism. Here’s a piece from the American Conservative during Bush’s 2004 reelection campaign….. Undue Process American Conservative October 11, 2004 Innocents have been entangled in the Justice Department’s anti-terror dragnet. By […]

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