Tag Archives | Torture

The True 9/11 Legacy: USA as Valhalla for Torturers and Government Secrecy

The Ninth Circuit court of federal appeals embraced the Obama and Bush administration’s spurious arguments that Americans cannot be permitted to know the details of Bush-era torture. But the court, in one of the most optimistic moments in recent judicial history, declared that its decision “does not preclude the government from honoring the fundamental principles […]

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How We Brought Freedom & Prosperity to Afghanistan

posted online today by the Future of Freedom Foundation, from the May issue of Freedom Daily – BRINGING FREEDOM & PROSPERITY TO AFGHANISTAN by James Bovard The Obama administration is seeking to rechristen the Afghan debacle it inherited from the Bush administration. Obama’s efforts to legitimize the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan simply ignore the previous […]

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“Freedom & the War on Terrorism” – my Pennslyvania speech…

Now online here: the video of my “Freedom and the War on Terrorism” speech last month in Bernville, Pennsylvania. I want to thank Bob Bowers, who organized this libertarian supper club, for inviting Jacob Hornberger and I to talk there. The audience was excellent – lots of hardliners full of fire-and-brimstone. The question-and-answer exchanges after […]

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Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan and Torture

Phil Giraldi makes an excellent observation on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan in his Antiwar.com column today: New Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan has described retired Israeli Judge Aharon Barak as her “judicial hero.” Barak is sometimes described as a liberal, but a review of his decisions reveals that he has always sided with the […]

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Obama Administration: Don’t Question Sincerity of Torturers

The Supreme Court disgraced itself on Monday by torpedoing the appeal of Maher Arar, the Canadian who was kidnapped at John F. Kennedy International Airport and sent by the U.S. government to Syria for torturing. The Canadian government has publicly apologized to Arar for providing false information to the U.S. government about Arar’s suspicious connections. […]

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Campaign for Liberty’s Review of Attention Deficit Democracy

Anthony Gregory has a generous review of Attention Deficit Democracy posted today at the Campaign for Liberty website: There are few writers who pay more attention to the political follies of our time and who provide their readers with more meticulously documented reasons to be outraged than James Bovard, whose new book, Attention Deficit Democracy, […]

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The Slippery Definition of Extremism

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out this op-ed today…. The Slippery Definition of Extremism by James Bovard Americans are once again hearing of the perils of extremism. But the definition of this offense is slippier than a politician’s campaign promise. The definition of extremism has continually been amended to permit government policies that […]

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