Tag Archives | Trump


Proud Boys vs. Antifa Demonstrations, Washington, July 6, 2019

Antifa folks were all decked out today, ready to handle any problem they experienced on the Washington subway – or maybe on their Uber trip to their protest. Turnout seemed sparse for both the Proud Boys etc. “Demand Free Speech” rally and the Antifa etc. counterprotest. I did not stay for the full event but […]

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FFF photo trump coercion sham excerpted

Trump’s “No Coercion” Sham

TRUMP’S “NO COERCION” SHAM by James Bovard In his State of the Union address on February 5, Donald Trump received rapturous applause from Republicans for his declaration, “America was founded on liberty and independence — not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free.” But this uplifting sentiment cannot […]

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bomb explosion US military copyrght free

On the Eve of an Iranian War Catastrophe?

For most of the advocates of bombing Iran, their only "combat experience" consisted of having their lunch money stolen in elementary school. — James Bovard (@JimBovard) June 21, 2019 I've been writing about lying politicians & government boondoggles for 35+ years. And I don't trust politicians simply because they want to start warring – the […]

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Warring as Lying Throughout American History

As the Trump administration lurches (wobbles?) towards war with Iran, it is worth recalling how prior U.S. wars  were permeated by official falsehoods. Bombs don’t make politicians trustworthy.  Instead, warring and lying are practically two sides of the same coin. Here’s a couple book reviews I did on books dealing with foreign policy perfidy and […]

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MP3 – Roasting John McCain on the Scott Horton Show

My old friend Scott Horton and I had fun yesterday correcting the record on the late Saint John McCain. McCain’s rascality stretched back at least 40 years.  The media portrayed  John McCain as a combination of Jesus and General Sherman, always ready to righteously bomb another country that failed to kowtow to Washington.  He should […]

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Trump’s Biggest BS? No “Government Coercion” in America

Mises Institute, February 7, 2019 Trump’s Absurd Claim that Americans Are Free from Government Coercion by  James Bovard In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Trump received rapturous applause from Republicans for his declaration: “America was founded on liberty and independence — not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, […]

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My Interview on William Barr & Ruby Ridge – Scott Horton Show

My old friend Scott Horton and I had a rattling good chat on Trump Attorney General nominee William Barr’s boundless affection for FBI snipers who perchance kill innocent Americans (spurred by my article last week for American Conservative). Barr championed immunity for Lon Horiuchi, the FBI agent who gunned down Vicki Weaver in her cabin […]

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