Tag Archives | Trump

Ukraine and Biggest Absurdity of Impeachment

American Renewal  / Daily Caller, January 29, 2020 Impeachment’s Biggest Absurdity: Our Toxic Fixation On Useless And Corrupting Ukraine Aid by James Bovard The campaign to convict and remove President Donald Trump in the Senate hinges on delays in disbursing U.S. aid to Ukraine. Ukraine was supposedly on the verge of great progress until Trump […]

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Foreign Aid, The Boondoggle that Never Ends

The Senate impeachment trial of President Trump is hinging on  U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine. The Democratic House impeachment managers flogged the details of that aid so hard that even policy junkies are ready for cry for mercy. But almost no one is mentioning that foreign aid  has been a perpetual boondoggle for more than […]

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NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur by Ted Carpenter

If you’re seeking to understand how NATO became a peril to keeping America at peace, check out an excellent new book by my friend Ted Carpenter, NATO: The Dangerous Dinosaur. NATO did superb work thwarting Soviet aggression in Europe. But NATO had no purpose after the Soviet Union dissolved. Unfortunately, NATO responded by continually expanding, […]

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USA TODAY: No Deep State Deliverance for Democracy

USA TODAY, November 13, 2019 As the deep state attacks Trump to rave media reviews, don’t forget its dark side The deep state has a long history of betraying the trust of the American people. They aren’t our friends just because we share an enemy in common. by James Bovard “Thank God for the deep […]

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Trump Should Push Congress to Admit Folly & Futility of Syrian Intervention

American Renewal Trump Should Ask Congress To Approve Military Intervention In Syria, If Members Want It So Badly Shutterstock/ Dirtymono James Bovard Contributor October 21, 2019 5:58 PM ET The House of Representatives voted 354 to 60 on Oct. 16 to condemn President Donald Trump’s pullback of U.S. troops from eastern Syria as “beneficial to […]

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Democratic Deliverance Debate? Impeachment, Syria, Biden…

Ohio is the scene of tonight’s Democratic presidential candidate debate.  A hundred years in Toledo, Jack Dempsey won the heavyweight crown with a surprise knockout of giant Jess Willard.   Will the top candidates similarly get busted up tonight? Watching this debate is akin to a three hour mental root canal      https://twitter.com/JimBovard/status/1184288897276284929 + Sen […]

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A Bushel of Laughs on the Ernie Hancock Radio Show

My old friend Ernie Hancock and I had a rowdy time this morn on his Freedoms Phoenix Radio Show. Ernie kindly asked for a summary of Public Policy Hooligan and I specified that most of the book does not involve people trying to stab me. Ernie asked about the scandal in my old hometown, Front […]

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