Tag Archives | Trump

Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 08-33-04 Something Completely Different With Brian Wilson on Apple Podcasts

Putting the Fork in 2023 on the Brian Wilson Podcast

Brian Wilson and I put 2023 out of its misery on his podcast today on what he labeled the  “Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier Memorial episode.”  In his intro to the show, Brian announced that I was “celebrating his new contract to reprise his role as Santa Claus next year at the Dundalk Dollar General and […]

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First Chapter of Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty

James Bovard, Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty https://www.amazon.com/Lst-Rights-Death-American-Liberty/dp/B0CP9VCNDH/   CHAPTER ONE: TYRANNY COMES TO MAIN STREET Americans today have the “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, wiretapped, injected, censored, ticketed, disarmed, beaten, vilified, detained, and maybe shot by government agents. Politicians are hell-bent on protecting citizens against everything except Uncle Sam. Is America becoming […]

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Julian Assange Still Deserves a Medal of Freedom

Julian Assange Still Deserves a Medal of Freedom by James Bovard Five years ago, USA Today published my piece, “Julian Assange deserves a Medal of Freedom, not a secret indictment.” Assange has been persecuted because he and Wikileaks exposed war crimes by the U.S. government and its allies. But he still deserves a Medal of […]

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FBI = Following Biden’s Instructions?

FBI = Following Biden’s Instructions? by James Bovard Does “FBI” now stand for “Following Biden’s Instructions”? The FBI is doing backflips to boost Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. Unfortunately, federal courts don’t recognize law enforcement shenanigans as a violation of the Voting Rights Act. The FBI is categorizing Donald Trump’s supporters as terrorist suspects, according to […]

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N.Y. Post: Is the FBI turning Trump supporters into terrorist targets?

New York Post, October 5, 2023 Is the FBI turning Trump supporters into terrorist targets? by James Bovard Donald Trump’s supporters are now in the FBI terrorist-investigation crosshairs, according to a new report in Newsweek. The agency has created “a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers”; […]

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