Tag Archives | wiretaps


Biden’s Sordid Legacy: Ravaged Rights and Liberties

BIDEN’S SORDID LEGACY: RAVAGED RIGHTS & LIBERTIES by James Bovard Joe Biden’s presidency ends on January 20, 2025. There will likely be a media stampede to hallow his reign and trumpet his virtues. But Biden perpetually trampled his January 20, 2021, oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” In his […]

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USA TODAY: Nunes memo released: FBI objections lacked credibility given bureau’s shady past

USA TODAY, February 2, 2018  Nunes memo released: FBI objections lacked credibility given bureau’s shady past by James Bovard The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is once again at the center of a political scandal. President Trump claims the FISA court wrongfully approved secret spying on his 2016 presidential campaign, while prominent Democrats claim Republicans are guilty […]

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