Tag Archives | wool

Bush & Killing in the Name of Democracy

The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online my June 2006 Freedom Daily article on “Killing in the Name of Democracy.”  Doing the research for this article was hell on my idealism. KILLING IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY     Freedom Daily, June 2006 by James Bovard President George W. Bush perpetually invokes the goal of spreading democracy to sanctify […]

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The Folly of Democratic Inevitability

 The good folks at the Future of Freedom Foundation posted my article today on one of the great democratic delusions of our time.  The piece is online here  – and below: Freedom Daily May 2006 (posted August 7, 2006) Nonsense on the Inevitability of Democracy by James Bovard Many Americans are being lulled into assuming […]

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1979 New York Times Satire on the All-Volunteer Congress

Twenty-seven years ago (or as they say in West Virginia, “years and years and years ago”), the New York Times printed my satire on the failure of the All-Volunteer Congress. This article was written at a time when criticism of the All-Volunteer military was at its height. Nixon had abolished conscription in 1973 and many […]

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The Most Absurdities Per Kilogram

The Future of Freedom Foundation posted my Freedom Daily article  on the feds’ war against Tommy Chong.  Always sad to see a great comedian get no respect. Here are the first few paragraphs; full text is here. The Most Absurdities per Kilo by James Bovard, Posted June 6, 2006 The war on drugs has produced […]

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My 2 cents in USA Today

The edit page at USA Today asked me to send over a couple sentences of comments on a column by Al Neuharth on whether students should play or work during the summer. My two bits: “Real jobs can be an excellent antidote to some of the tripe students hear in classrooms. Doing onerous work or […]

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Washington Times Publishes my Response

Letters to the editor March 29, 2006     I appreciate The Washington Times printing a review of my new book, “Attention Deficit Democracy” (“Finding American voters wanting?” Books, Sunday). The reviewer states that “what Mr. Bovard leaves out is that these Founding fathers were suspicious of untrammelled democracy itself.”     I am perplexed by this comment, since […]

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