Tag Archives | wool

My Cheney Tribute is now online

The American Conservative has posted my piece on Cheney’s revelation that he is exempt from federal law regarding national security secrets. Here are a few paragraphs from the piece: The “my wish is the law’s command

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“Misunderstandings” Bush appointee style

Here’s an update on the bust of the Bush abstinence education mastermind.   The lawyer for Bush’s former top domestic policy advisor, Claude Allen, told a Maryland court that this case was simply “misunderstandings.” “Misunderstandings?”  Tuesday’s Washington Post notes: “Police said they have been able to document 25 instances in which Allen tried to obtain refunds for items he […]

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Not Bush’s Fault

I am sometimes criticized for being excessively harsh on George W. Bush. I want to take this opportunity to make it clear that I don’t blame the president for everything. This Arizona abuse apparently has nothing to do with the White House or the war on terrorism.  Except unless that local fire department received a […]

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