My hit on Bush’s Dictatorial Signing Statements

The American Conservative posted here my hit on Bush’s dictatorial signing statements.

Here’s the lead of the piece:

“For generations, Republican politicians have spoken reverently of the rule of law. But since 2001, this hoary doctrine has been redefined to mean little more than the enforcement of the secret thoughts of the commander in chief.

George W. Bush has added more than 750 “signing statements


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3 Responses to My hit on Bush’s Dictatorial Signing Statements

  1. George June 29, 2006 at 6:55 pm #

    Charles Goyette was just talking about this. This kind of stuff just gets me going. Like they say——if you are not mad as hell, you are not paying attention!

    Jim, I am thinking to myself, that this is blockbuster stuff!

    But do we hear this stuff in the “mainstream media” (who won’t because most of them live off the government, indirectly)?

    What do people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have to say about these kinds of government abuses!? I guess, if a Republican commits an abuse, then it is okay. But if a Democrat commits an abuse, then, and only then, is it wrong.

    Jim, something is so wrong with this partisan nature of politics. People are so locked in this R vs D thinking, that they are blind. It is so destructive to this nation.

    I am sure people like Al Franken on Air America are talking about this on their talk radio programs… and rightfully so. But if it were Clinton, would they? Of course not.

    Jim, when (if ever) will people look past the lie of today’s political debates, which is nothing more then a cage of partisanships?

    Other Random Stuff:

    Ernest Hancock, producer of Charles’ show, is running for chairmanship for the Libertarian Party. (I wonder if he will win…?)

    Secondly, just for fun……this has nothing to do with anything…but here is an article that I wrote up a few months ago:
    (I am not a good writer—–heck I went to a public school! But it was fun writing that article to help get out the freedom message.)

  2. Jim June 29, 2006 at 10:30 pm #

    George – I don’t know when people are going past the charades of today’s debates.

    I am not as optimistic as I was back in Nixon’s first term.


  1. GOD Bless George Bush & The USA! » Blog Archive » Georgia Incumbent Republican Senator, Paul Coverdell was elected - March 6, 2007

    […] BOVARD ” My hit on Bush’s Dictatorial Signing Statements George W. Bush has added more than 750 signing statements ? to new laws … must take care that the laws be faithfully executed. ? But Bush “his ego … […]