Iowa Radio Show now Online

The audio tape of Jan Mickleson’s interview on WHO this morning is now online at  (It is a long download – the entire 3 hour show in one file – so only those with high-speed lines might want to consider it).

I was flattered to hear how Jan much liked my new book compared to my previous book. When I was last on with him in 2004, he  tagged my Bush Betrayal as “a really surly book.”   He thought better  today of Attention Deficit Democracy – averring only that it was “kind of a painful read.”




2 Responses to Iowa Radio Show now Online

  1. W Baker January 31, 2006 at 12:05 am #


    Good piece – although one could tell that the host wanted to steer away from talking about the biggest democracy pimp since Wilson or FDR, e.g., “the sincere and honest” Bush.

    I’m not sure that so-called Conservatives (note the upper case) can any longer put together government abuse with their Republican Party. They will pay lip service to the abstraction of a government gone barking mad as long as one doesn’t mention a sacred politico by name.

    Your faithful Alabamian listener.

  2. WFason February 4, 2006 at 7:10 pm #


    I just finished reading Attention Deficit Democracy. I must say that you have really hit the ball out of the park. Each book you writes seems to top even the previous book.

    I hope that you make it down to Houston.

