Wall Street Journal replies to my hit on Bush’s illegal financial surveillance

from today’s lead Wall Street Journal editorial:
 “Since the Treasury story broke, as it happens, no one but Congressman Ed Markey and a few cranks have even objected to the program, much less claimed illegality.”

I look forward to the Journal editorial page’s updates on this subject as news leaks out about how this surveillance program ran amok.


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4 Responses to Wall Street Journal replies to my hit on Bush’s illegal financial surveillance

  1. Steve June 30, 2006 at 5:20 pm #

    Well I guess Im an old crank too. There’s just something about my financial recorsd i would like to keep secret, kind of the same way Cheney feels about an energy policy.

  2. Jim June 30, 2006 at 7:02 pm #

    I hope you got the same compensation package that Cheney received from Haliburton.


  1. Stress » Only “cranks” care if the government illegally searches their bank records. - June 30, 2006

    […] Author of the incredible new book Attention Deficit Democracy, James Bovard, who last week went on MSNBC and FOX “News” to defend the press for telling the truth about this subject and remind viewers that this government lies about everything, including torture, NSA phone taps, records etc. had this to say: “I look forward to the Journal editorial page’s updates on this subject as news leaks out about how this surveillance program ran amok.” […]