I.H.S. LibertyGuide Reviews Attention Deficit Democracy

The Institute for Humane Studies’ LibertyGuide website reviewed Attention Deficit Democracy. Samuel DeConio, who is finishing a doctorate in political science, covered many of the book’s subjects in his article.   I appreciate the time and effort he took to read and review A.D.D.  His review is very thorough on several aspects of the book that have not received much ink in other reviews.

For purposes of keeping this blog lively, I’ll quote portions of the review where DeConio differed with the book:

Bovard’s discussion of Franklin Roosevelt’s lying to the American public about his attempts to draw the United States into World War II appears to assume that such lies, and the ignorance that enabled them to be effective, were necessarily a bad thing, and merely confirmation that politicians systematically engage in misleading deception…. Roosevelt clearly lied to the public regarding his attempts to propel American into World War II, but it is difficult to see why this was a bad thing.


Though Bovard criticizes Lincoln for having “contempt” for the Bill of Rights and engaging in other actions, such as jailing people without charges, and shutting down newspapers and state legislatures, as violations of liberty, there is no discussion of whether it is appropriate to deplore Lincoln’s actions as violations of liberty, especially given that the institutions he suppressed were committed to maintaining egregious violations of African Americans’ personal liberty.


Bovard seems to argue that political elites have far more control over controlling media coverage of scandals than seems to be the case. In his discussion of the Abu Ghraib torture scandal that “the only thing necessary for a successful coverup is for the president . . . to continuously proclaim that everything will be investigated, and then, months later, to proclaim that everything has already been investigated”( pg. 146). Yet, this seems far too facile as it involves a series of claims that need far closer documentation than what has been given. Indeed, political elites who were associated with the Abu Ghraib scandal did not feel as if they could simply cover up the event. For example, Donald Rumsfeld actually attempted to resign after the scandal broke, but President Bush refused to accept his resignation. This kind of action is hardly consistent with a depiction of elites who believe that they can effectively control any scandal simply by having the president make public statements, and may indicate that the media play a far more independent role than Bovard suggests.


Hmmmmm….   I wonder how Seymour Hersh (who did the great piece in the June 25  New Yorker on Rumsfeld’s machinations on Abu Ghraib) and Barton Gellman (the Washington Post reporter who nailed Cheney’s role in spawning and perpetuating U.S. government torture despite court defeats) would score that last paragraph….


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12 Responses to I.H.S. LibertyGuide Reviews Attention Deficit Democracy

  1. Bill Karr July 1, 2007 at 11:10 pm #

    Hello James! I was looking at your book at Borders today, and very happy to see that there was at least one book in the politics section about the Constitution and ever-growing government.

    I plan on getting it soon. I write a lot of Libertarian blog entries on my site. You should check it out… I enjoy reading yours!


  2. D. Saul Weiner July 2, 2007 at 11:09 am #

    I see your mistake now, Jim. You tried to point out flaws in how our democracy is functioning, while all along we have just needed a benevolent dictator to run our government.

  3. Chris S July 2, 2007 at 3:14 pm #

    Yes, a dictator indeed, like the ones we support all over the world. That way we can practice what we preach.

  4. Chris S July 2, 2007 at 3:15 pm #

    preach to those in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, that is.

  5. Jim July 2, 2007 at 3:30 pm #

    Well, at least Bush’s efforts brought democracy to Egypt.

  6. Chris S July 2, 2007 at 5:11 pm #

    True, after all, we need “Democratic” partners to use as destinations for extraordinary renditions, er, I mean bad guy vacation destinations.

  7. Mace Price July 2, 2007 at 9:59 pm #

    …Keep the blog lively ya say? OK then, by God I’m here to serve. I’m going to rebut DeConio’s review of ADD.

  8. Lawhobbit July 3, 2007 at 9:51 am #

    I miss having Frank here for things like this. 🙁

  9. Dirk W. Sabin July 3, 2007 at 10:22 am #

    Little Sammy DeConio is but another perfect little sunbeam for the Unitary Executive. What septic factory produces such an endless stream of these cranks?
    Leave No Success Behind.
    I love these mooks, spreading the Noble Lie and Leadership Knows Best gruel like it was honey… and they would be the first to cry foul when their beloved leadership goes rabid-daft and throws them in with the rest of the “ungrateful hordes”.

    This current “leadership class” puts me in mind of one of my favorite things to do whence visiting fair Italia….turn on the telly and find a channel broadcasting old “Spanky and Our Gang” episodes, dubbed in Italian so we can watch Spanky hold forth like il Duce and Stymie speak in the deep dulcet tones of Marcello Mastroiani.

    I just saw Kagan on C Span and there should be something illegal about having a country’s biggest war-mongering “thinkers” look like they spent their junior high years hiding in their locker in fear for their lives. Cripes these people make Liberaci look Butch.At least they could make them wear a John Wayne Mask. I’m no Ray Milland myself but I can at least, change the fuel filter on my 55 Buick and would not ordinarily elicit laughter when I suggested a duel was in order. These milquetoasts pandering for the war-machine are reminiscent of nothing so much as a Kick-boxing match between Olive Oil and Porky the Pig. No wonder we’re losing hearts, minds, asses and elbows.

    Useful Idiots and Puff-Balls… 14,
    Everybody Else……………… 0
    Brought to you by the United States War League

  10. Tory July 10, 2007 at 9:54 am #

    DOCTOR Samuelo DeConio (Mussoleenio) should be believed and respected afterall he is getting a Doctorate in political science; that does count for a lot. Ask Condoleeza Rice; she’s a Doctor and she too knows a lot about political science, especially about the birth pangs of democracy occurring in the Middle East.

    I say FDR had close ties to LBJ – LBJ was the second most corrupt politician (next to tricky dick.) We should all just believe everything anyone says, like good little sheep.

  11. Tory July 10, 2007 at 9:56 am #

    And how about the right wing control over the media after JFK was assasinated ? Not true ?

  12. Tory July 10, 2007 at 9:58 am #

    Bovard is a bad boy for telling us the truth; FDR and the news media are good patriotic Americans because they lied to us.