Sate Hamza, a Syrian doctor and professor now living in Canada, kindly tracked down and translated the September 17 full review of Bush Betrayal in the Syrian newspaper Al-Thawrah from Arabic into English. He emailed this around 4 a.m. this morning: I found the original review at the following URL: Here is a full English […]
Archive | September, 2007
“Bush Betrayal” on the Road to Damascus
A Syrian government-owned newspaper reviewed the Arabic version of Bush Betrayal this week. Here is the summary of the review, as reported by the British Broadcasting Corp. Middle East wire. [[[[ UPDATE: Full text of the review is posted here.]]]] Al-Thawrah carries a 400-word article by Khalaf al-Jarrad entitled “‘The World President’ Betrayal,” in […]
Ron Paul Folks at DC Antiwar Protest
ANSWER’s lead marchers: A bored young protestor: The full size versions of these photos are at my Flickr page here.
Antiwar March in DC Saturday -Ron Paul Supporters Contact Info
There will be a big antiwar march in Washington on Saturday. The march is sponsored by scores of organizations; ANSWER is the prime mover. I disagree with them on plenty of economic and social issues, but they are right on the war. The main event starts around noon at Lafayette Square next to the White […]
Excellent New Legal Guide for Blogging
Nicholas Carroll, the author of the bestseller Dancing with Lawyers, has just released a new study – THE LAW OF THE BLOG. Carroll offers clear, direct advice on how not to get your tail sued while blogging or otherwise hell-raising online. (There was a reason why the New York Times, reviewing his last book, declared […]
Ron Paul Trumps in Last Night’s Debate
Ron Paul trumped in last night’s Republican Presidential Candidate Debate in New Hampshire. His views on Iraq and freedom were shining beacons amidst the black smoke the other candidates emitted. As the rest of the GOP hopefuls tighten their chains to the war wagon heading over a cliff, Paul’s views will propel him forward. Every […]
Thomas Szasz has a New Masterpiece: COERCION AS CURE
Thomas Szasz, whose 1961 book The Myth of Mental Illness revolutionized thinking about involuntary commitment, has a new book out: Coercion As Cure: A Critical History of Psychiatry. Szasz helps people recognize how many issues portrayed solely as questions of mental health are actually questions of liberty. He has helped open the eyes of generations of Americans to […]