Scott Adams has paying tribute to MBAs this week. Here is his “bottom line” strip:
It is good that more folks are recognizing the BS of Business wiz kids.
Now if only people would recognize that political charlatans are even more dangerous….
“The growth of government is like
the spread of a dense jungle,
and the average citizen can hack
through less of it every year.”
Scott Adams has paying tribute to MBAs this week. Here is his “bottom line” strip:
It is good that more folks are recognizing the BS of Business wiz kids.
Now if only people would recognize that political charlatans are even more dangerous….
I think there was a flying monkey named Greenspan who might have had something to do with it too.
And the CDO’s short for Criminal Debt Organizations.
Good thing for us that we live in a land where justice and the Rule of Law prevail.
Otherwise, these rascals might loot the hell out of us.